Monday, November 23, 2009

Thankful for my husbud!

Hello my beloved readers!

It has been a while since I have blogged. Yet, I think frequently about ways to be sure that I am growing my marriage. I have to confess that I have been taking my precious husband for granted! Life is just so busy. He is always there, and I truly forget about thanking him! He keeps loving me unconditionally!

So - be sure to tell your spouse frequently that you are thankful for them.... for their presence, for their teamwork with you, for their steadfastness... thank them!

This willful act of thankfulness actually makes you love them more. You are reminded of why you married them.

So - enjoy each other... thank each other... and continue to grow in your love!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Laugh Often....

I smile as I write that title, "Laugh often." My husbud has the greatest ability to get me to laugh. He makes me laugh at him and often times at myself. There is something special and intimate about laughing together. And, physiologically, well just take a look at this link to give you an idea of how valuable laughter is to your well-being.

Now you may ask, "How do we laugh when we don't think we have anything to laugh about." hmmmmmm Watch this!

And remember, don't take yourselves too seriously - enjoy and laugh together!!!

With joy to my precious readers!!! Remember, the joy of the Lord is my strength!!