Saturday, June 23, 2012


Hello Beloved Ones!
What alot has happened in our lives this 2012!

Paul and I are grandparents for the first time.  Kurt and Stephanie blessed us with Joshua Paul!  He was born in late March and is now three months old... how time flies!  That is truly an adage we all can relate to.

When I hold Joshua and sing to him, rock him, feed him - I am transported!  Even as I write this -- I tear up :).  Why?  Because I am transported to 1982 when I held, sang, rocked and fed Kurt!  Why do I tear up?  Perhaps because I am feeling so blessed, perhaps because I miss those "simple" times..... Perhaps because the time really does go so quickly and I ponder -----
What am I spending my time on now?  What do I spend my hours thinking about?  Where do I place my focus?  Am I making a difference?  How do I know?

So Beloved Ones - treasure the moments, stop striving for "things," focus on the relationships.......
We are all given the same amount of time.  It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, young or old - time is meted out to all folks in the same amount. 

Another "plumb" for your marriages and families - treasure the moments - you will never be disappointed if you do!

Blessings and Joy to my beloved children, grandchild, family and friends....