Monday, September 5, 2011

What is a "lady's man?"

Hello Beloved Readers!
It has been a few months since I have posted - but I have been gathering material, so be ready for some more regular postings. :)

This one is about a "ladies' man." What is a "ladies' man" anyway?

Paul and I were sitting in the kitchen taking some time to just be together and talk. We were reflecting about our sons and how they have been so mature, helpful, and sacrificial around the house. Mark has helped with the gardening (even cancelling an appointment to watch the Yankees!), takes the videos back to Red Box without being asked etc. Scott cleaned up the basement after the rain - water in the basement - without being asked to help out etc. They definitely see themselves as a contributing member to this household. This conversation lead Paul to remember a Cheers! episode that he will never forget. This is Paul's memory of the scene: Sam, the bar's owner was a well-known "Casanova." Norm was talking to Diane and mentioned that, "Sam is a ladies' man!" Diane replied, "No Norm, Sam is not a lady's man. A real lady's man is a man who goes home to his wife and family every night... a man who really loves his wife... That's a REAL lady's man."

Hmmmmm - this got me to thinking and researching. I "googled" lady's man. What did I find? Nothing about a REAL lady's man. Page after page was about the "world's" definition of a "ladies' man." Just let your own imaginations go in that direction for a moment......and the results of those kinds of actions......

So - who is a REAL lady's man? I know my husband is my man and I am his "lady!" He absolutely loves me... all that is lovable about me and all that is not :). He thinks of me, sacrifices for me and truly wants to be with me.
How do I feel around my Lady's Man? I feel loved, affirmed, secure, contented, and actually adored. I am blessed by his "strength" of character. I feel like a Lady!

To my Beloved sons and male readers - be a Lady's Man. Know your woman. Love her. Sacrifice for her. And you will be a strong, masculine, REAL LADY'S MAN!

Ephesians 5:28 and 29


  1. Hi, Kathy!

    I couldn' agree with you more on this and I am happy to report that I am one of those women who have a true "lady's man" for a husband. Dave is a dream come true and I thank the Lord for blessing me with him each and every day!

  2. Our "lady's men" encourage us to be all that God intends us to be!!! What men they are!
