Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Want to spice up your marriage????

I was just browsing through Pinterest and found this blog! http://faithalongtheway.com/date-night-jar/
A date-night jar!
Will that spice up your marriage??? It will - only as much as you use it ---

Does your marriage need "spicing up?"  Chances are it does---
Marriages can grow "stale" or "routine" - So if you don't have a date night jar - at least be sure that you have date nights and also that you surprise one another!  Surprises are just so much fun!!!

Please remember dear children (and other beloved readers),  your marriages need attention.  This attention is specific to the two of you.  And the more attention you give it regularly (not annually, not monthly... I repeat - regularly!) the stronger your relationship, the closer you become, the more secure your children will be, the more fun you will have, the more deeply you will love each other, the more contented you will be, the more secure and stable you will be.... I could go on and on.....

So read on dear readers - and spice up your marriage this week!  I know Paul and I will - I am pondering how to surprise him even as I write!

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