Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Never let the sun go down on your anger...

When Paul and I were engaged, one of the foundations of marriage that we wanted to be in agreement about was dealing with disagreements. We knew that two people coming together would have communication woes. So - we agreed that we would never go to sleep if there was any kind of anger or "wall" between us. We vowed that no matter what it took, we would resolve our differences before we fell asleep.
And let me tell you, so far we have lived by this phrase....except once. I cannot remember what we were fighting about, but I remember clearly lying on my side with my back towards Paul. He asked me, "So you are not angry? And we have settled this disagreement?" I shot back, "Yes!" He continued, "So the sun will not go down on your anger?" I clipped, "Right!" Now, I knew I was still angry (and stubborn) and Paul knew I was still angry. We both knew we had not resolved the disagreement......tune in for my next post as I continue this story and how it got resolved.

And, my beloved ones, ponder why this is a good adage to have for your marriages. Discuss it with your intended or your spouse.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing for me to think that after four and a half years together as a couple we have NEVER argued.......NEVER! Unfortunately, I couldn't say that about my first marriage....we fought even during our courtship phase....immaturity, I think! Anyways, I think Dave and I have come into our marriage with many lessons learned from our prior marriages that make us so appreciative of each other and what we both bring to our union. We both feel so fortunate to have met each other and even luckier to be married to each other.
