Thursday, June 18, 2009

Never let the sun go down on your anger... continued

The phrase, "Never let the sun go down on your anger..." can actually be found in the Bible. It is in Ephesians 4:26. The footnote in my Study Bible says that "no anger should outlast the day." This must be important and holding on to anger must happen, or it wouldn't be addressed in the Word.
So, I wanted to comment on this topic through two blog entries because I believe that sometimes we naively think that some issues are just not important enough to make a big deal about.
If you do not address the little "issues" in your relationship, they will grow. Trust me - I have seen it happen in many, many relationships. If you sweep enough "issues" under the rug, you will end up with a huge pile that will continue to grow and actually be more difficult to clean up than if the "issue" was brought up and discussed. That pile of "issues" eventually becomes a very thick wall that is very difficult to penetrate. Don't be naive enough to think that you are above that fact.
My beloved ones, if you sense a "wall" between you and your spouse - bring it up, talk about it, get it out in the open so you can deal with it. I love you so very much.... and I am praying for all the sunsets in your lives.... may they be times of refreshment, renewal, and growth.
By the way, Paul and I resolved the "issue" that night - he was relentless - and I remembered our promise to each other....

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