Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hope deferred makes the heart sick: but desire fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12

I have been reading "The Richest Man Who Ever Lived" by Steven K. Scott. I just have to share a short section with you on marriage and "hope." Mr. Scott states that hope is not a wish. It is much more powerful than that. Solomon's (writer of Proverbs) concept of hope can be defined as "a well-founded and confident belief that a specific vision (goal, desire, or promise) will be achieved or fulfilled within a specified amount of time." This "hope" is a kind of perpetual fuel that powers our dreams and aspirations. Do you hear that beloved readers? A kind of PERPETUAL fuel - a fuel that powers our mental and emotional health. However, we must make that vision well-defined. A vague vision or goal or promise does not propel us!

Now listen to this - "We create the seeds of hope in others by stating or implying commitments. These commitments create a vision. If we fail to fulfill those commitments in a timely manner, we then defer others' hope. They lose their energy and motivation. Moreover, they lose their trust in us. The consequences of deferring hope in others can even lead to the death of a relationship." (pg. 43)

I looked up the word "defer" and it means to postpone, delay, put off. If you want to put a hole in your marriage's fuel tank, then delay telling your spouse you love him/her. Postpone that special phone call or date night. Put off talking. Keep doing those things, and you will have no more fuel left in your marriage. You will defer hope.....

But if you want to fuel your marrige and fly and soar, then make your commitment, vision, goals, and promises specific and well-defined.

More on this in my next blog.....


  1. Kathy, maybe I have school improvement on the brain, but the quotes seem to fit what we were talking about regarding mission and vision with schools.

    That said, it's a good reminder of how to shape the lives of our families. Thanks for the post.

  2. wow aunt kathy!!! i just posted my blog and then yours caught my eye and holy junk. just hope and AH! fantasticness. i <3 God!!!

    hehe and you. ;)

    thank you.
