Sunday, September 27, 2009

When the storms, troubles and trials come....

Please take careful note - I did not say IF the troubles and trials come. I said WHEN the troubles and trials come. In our marriages we will have troubles and trials. It will seem impossible to talk to each other. We will see things differently because we view life from different perspectives.
Decide now!
How will you react or respond to each other when those difficulties come. Will you choose to allow the tough times to grow you closer as a couple? Will you decide that you will run to one another when troubles come, or will you decide to blame each other?

What will be your defense?

Will you say that divorce is an option? I heard a story the other day about an engaged couple who was going through pre-marital counseling. The pastor they were counseling with asked the couple, "When things get really tough, and you feel like it is just too difficult, what will you do?" The man responded, "Then we get a divorce." Hmmmmmm - What do you suppose his bride was thinking? Is this commitment?

So, when the storms and troubles come - decide now - what will be your strategy to get through them? How will you go through those "storms" together and come out the other side stronger and closer than you ever thought possible?
Ask each other those questions. Perhaps on your next "date" night, you could discuss how you are doing in this area....
Beloved readers - you have yet another choice; will you discuss your strategies to protect your marriages or not? As you decide to protect your marriages, as you go through those storms together, you will see the "rainbow" at the end of every storm! I promise!

1 comment:

  1. I could have used your wisdom a few years ago, Kathy! Somehow, though, I don't think it would have helped in my case. You have to have two individuals committed to each other to make a good marriage. Looking back now over my previous 25 year marriage, I don't think my former husband ever had the same committment to our marriage as I had. Everything else was more important....his work, his friends, everything. Our children and myself were at the bottom of the list. Why? I still don't know to this day and have long ago stopped trying to figure it out. I don't think even HE knows.
    I just thank God every day that I have found Dave who is PERFECT for me. We have the same committment and devotion to our marriage that I wished I had had in my former marriage. I feel very fortunate to have found such a wonderful man to be my husband. I am truly blessed!
