Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm sorry......powerful words!

Why is it so hard to say "I'm sorry?" Yet, these are very powerful words for any relationship. In fact, they are relationship builder words. They certainly never break down a relationship. I have found that when Paul and I are having a disagreement and we have come to a standstill....if one of us says, "I'm sorry" - the conversation begins again. It is not compromising yourself, or taking the blame... it is all about being genuinely sorry. Sorry that we are fighting, disagreeing, can't agree..... Sorry that I cannot understand your perspective.... Sorry with the hope of reconciliation and resolve. Oh beloved readers, it is humbling to say "I'm sorry." But I have always found, that when I humble myself - I can see more clearly.
I have also found that when Paul says "I'm sorry" - I just cannot stay as angry or stubborn as I was...... It's all about strengthening your relationships. "I'm sorry" are words that strengthen - truly!


  1. Kathy.....once again your words ring so true!!!! I think being able to say your "sorry" gets easier with age with most folks. I think as we mature with time and experience, we begin to realize to not "sweat the small stuff" and to choose our battles more wisely. The better you know your spouse (or anyone for that matter), the easier it is to say those three words...."I am sorry." Ultimately, if the relationship is more important to you than being "right," saying you are sorry isn't such a big deal.

  2. So true! At first, those words are difficult to say. I know that I fight within myself sometimes. I am not going to say "I'm sorry" until he does.... Silly stuff. I AM sorry and I just need to humble myself and say it.
